google analytics a mirror of website output

Have you added Google Analytics in your Website to track Visitors information and all data getting from  search engine and referral sites, google analytics provide us the right direction to go where and how to increase our website performance and what is need to change now, by viewing traffic, customers page views, keywords, navigation path from visitor goes to one page to another, which page likes the most and which page are not getting traffic we are change our strategy after analyzing GA data. its an awesome free tool by GA. one another tool is paid is Urchin Tracker it is also provide the details. we can also setup the goals and tracking it in google analytic getting multiple data and filter it by our needs and getting Geo location and tracking the customers behavior and views for our website. we are providing the service for installing google analytics in website.

image optimization for website

image optimization for website, blog, photo album means if want to show your image in google which is uploaded in your website, it can possible with proper steps for image optimization first of all name of the image, give the name of the image according to image if you have a image of "indian ring neck parrot" then give the name of the image "indian_parrot.jpg" and give the alt text ="indian ring neck parrot" and place the picture between the text where content around the image. which can help to optimize your photo and search engine can easily catch the image and index it. always use underscore sign ( _ ), between two words instead dash (-), some people can use dash. but keep in mind keep only two or three word for image and for alt tag also same rule will be applied. so always give the name before you upload on FTP or in blog. do not give the image name like "001.jpg" or something like because in search it can index but user keyword image search results it can not shown.

Industries like art, design and fashion, graphic, travel and all need the results of their image in google so they can get the good business from internet. you can also bookmark the image link and give them top position, the quality of the picture also matters so always take good digital camera for taking image or hire a freelancer photographer for the same. they have good experience of product photography and how to take pictures. we offers the cheap image optimization packages for your business website, blog, flick profiles.